FinTech in the UK: Regulating Disruption

By Sonia Gioseffi, Shehram Khattak, Jonathan Lawrence and Ronnie Yearwood

Without doubt, FinTech companies are in some ways deconstructing the services offered by larger banks in the UK and elsewhere. However, risks are not resolved because of the technology, as information and financial products are marketed and sold via web-based platforms, social media or other technological applications. Consumers still need to be clearly informed about the firms and the financial products being offered. Firms must still ensure that they adhere to the principle that their communications are “fair, clear and not misleading”. It is, therefore, better for a FinTech firm to apply and take advice on best practice in this regard, which saves money and time in the interim, than to wait either for enforcement from the regulator or for market failure to drive responses. Find our longer article here.

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