Hot Topic Briefing: Passport To The Regulators
On 3 October, our London office will host an all-day event Hot Topic Briefing: Passport To The Regulators. The event has been put together by The Emerging Payments Association (EPA), a commercial membership association of payments industry players. It will consist of keynote presentations from and Q&As with the following six European Union regulators:
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Spain
This event is a follow up to the EPA’s Passport To The Future report (launched in January 2017) that examined similar issues. It will give a platform to host regulators of potential home states for regulated entities, should full passporting from the UK no longer be possible. The regulators will present the process, options, costs and timelines for obtaining licences within their jurisdiction. The day is designed for the UK FinTech community and is an opportunity to hear from these regulators directly.