Tag:Virtual currencies

Louisiana Proposes Administrative Rules for Virtual Currency Businesses
Cryptocurrency 2018: When the Law Catches Up with Game-Changing Technology
Tax-free cryptocurrency transactions could come with reporting obligations
Japan Introduces Regulation on Bitcoin Exchanges

Louisiana Proposes Administrative Rules for Virtual Currency Businesses

By Jeremy M. McLaughlin and Christian A. Zazzali

The Louisiana Office for Financial Institutions (“OFI”) has proposed administrative rules governing the licensing process for virtual currency businesses. Louisiana’s Virtual Currency Business Act (the “Act”) became effective in August 2020 and granted OFI broad supervisory and enforcement powers.  The Act also required OFI to promulgate rules regarding licensing.  Roughly two years later, OFI has done so. Those wishing to submit written comments on the proposed rules may do so through 5:00 pm on July 10, 2022.  It’s expected the rules will be adopted later this year.

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Cryptocurrency 2018: When the Law Catches Up with Game-Changing Technology

By David E. Fialkow, Edward J. Mikolinksi and Jack S. BrodskyBlockchain technology and the virtual currency, or cryptocurrency, that uses this technology are revolutionizing the way businesses function and deliver goods and services. Even as cryptocurrency becomes a widely debated topic, gaining the critical attention of regulators and policymakers, individuals and businesses are investing billions of dollars in cryptocurrency annually. To understand how blockchain and cryptocurrency may impact you, your business, and your industry, it is important to understand what cryptocurrency is and how the underlying blockchain works. This article provides a brief introduction to these concepts as well as a primer on cryptocurrency legal issues.  To read the full article, click here.


Tax-free cryptocurrency transactions could come with reporting obligations

By Elizabeth C. Crouse, Mary Burke Baker, Robert M. Crea, Claire S. White and Rachel D. Trickett

As cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum become more prevalent in investment circles and acceptable for commercial transactions, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has said little other than to label “virtual currencies” as property and state that transactions involving virtual currencies may be subject to taxation under generally applicable law. However, on September 7, the Congressional Blockchain Caucus introduced the Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Act which would exempt certain cryptocurrency transactions and create a cryptocurrency-specific information reporting requirement.

To read more about this update, click here.

Japan Introduces Regulation on Bitcoin Exchanges

By Ayuko Nemoto and Yuki Sako

To date, virtual currencies and related service providers remain unregulated in Japan.  However, on March 4, 2016, the Cabinet of Japan approved an amendment bill to the Payment Services Act of Japan and submitted it to the Diet (“Amendment Bill”).

Most importantly, the Amendment Bill aims to bring the industry under the supervision of the Financial Services Agency of Japan (“FSA”) and introduce new registration requirements for virtual currencies exchanges, including those based outside of Japan that provide services to customers in Japan.  Exchanges based outside of Japan may be registered as a “Foreign Exchange” if they are registered or licensed in their home jurisdiction; however, they must have an office in Japan and designate a “representative of Japan,” the failure of which would result in disqualification.

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